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Black Ink Business Services is a unique company offering a full range of services to small business owners. We focus on providing clear and comprehensive information about the health of our clients businesses. This allows owners to focus on critical needs, development, and growth.
We believe that complete clarity and intelligent reports allow our clients to make the most of their time and meet their goals.

We work beside small business owners as a partner to help them reach their full potential. We give our clients what they need to succeed whether they are just starting out, are playing catch up from an explosive start, or have a well established business and are ready to take it to the next level. 

Executing the vision and following the dream are what will make a business stand out. Day to day operations, accounting, and HR/Business management should not become the business. We allow our clients to spend their time on their “special sauce”, while we follow up with the bank, cable company, lawyer, accountant, and xxx. We get partners on the same page, establish best practices specific to their industry, make connections, and work behind the scenes to get things done.


Our clients are business owners who love what they do. Their concepts rock and they know how to make things happen. Taking care of all the odds and ends have slowed them down from taking the next steps to grow.

When they work with us, they get the right information when they need it and a second opinion from someone who gets small businesses. They get an extra hand to take care of the books, taxes, lawyers, contracts and all the little extras that need to get done so they can focus on the product, service, or business.  


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